Intermountain - Caring Solutions, Strong Families, Healthy Communities

A Helpful Boyscout

The “Treasure Chest” is an area on campus that stores many things required to meet the physical needs of our kids. The room has been lacking in shelving and organization, making it difficult to tame all the clothing, shoes, bedding, toys, winter gear, stuffed animals, etc. that are needed to care for the kids in our charge. An overhaul was long overdue.

Boy Scout Patrick Fischer to the rescue demonstrating the third point of the Scout Law: A scout is helpful! As a Life Scout in Troop 214, Patrick was ready to complete a service project in order to obtain his Eagle rank… the highest rank in Boy Scouts. Patrick spent many hours planning the changes that would occur and soliciting materials donations. Under Patrick’s direction, the boys in his troop spent a weekend building rolling carts to provide additional hanging space and cutting boards that would provide more shelving. The group spent an additional weekend in the Treasure Chest installing the shelving, sorting all the clothes by size and gender, and whipping into shape the chaos that was.

After more than 250 work hours, the results are amazing! Having everything in its place will now help us see what we have, identify what we need, and be better stewards of the donations given to us. But most importantly, staff will be able to quickly find what they are looking for and get back to the business of taking care of children. We are very grateful to Patrick and his team!

3240 Dredge Drive
Helena, MT 59602
Ph: (406) 442-7920
Fax: (406) 442-7949
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