Intermountain - Caring Solutions, Strong Families, Healthy Communities

Eagles Auxiliary Picks Providence Home

By Dave Creamer

Fundraiser Nadine Roach with Intermountain’s Flathead Director
Deb Grankoski

In the Spring of 2010, Nadine Roach tracked me down to learn more about Intermountain, and specifically Providence Home. She said she was the incoming State President of the Eagles Auxiliary, and she was charged with raising money over the next year to support the charity of her choice. Having read a little bit about Providence Home, she sought us out to learn more.

She decided Providence Home was going to be her designated charity and worked tirelessly to spread the word among fellow Eagles throughout the state. At the beginning of her quest, she hoped to raise $10,000, although she admitted that might be a little ambitious. I assured her we were honored by her support and would be happy with anything she was able to raise.

Despite being slowed by ailing hips and knees, Nadine and her daughter, Rita, traveled around the state to Eagles’ meetings, spreading the word about Providence Home. She helped us apply for a grant early in the process, and we were awarded $2,500. She acquired countless auction and raffle items that raised money at each one of their meetings. On several occasions, I spoke at Eagles meetings to support Nadine and Rita and was fortunate to meet some of the most amazing people that were interested in little more than making the world a better place.

It didn’t take long to see how well-respected Nadine is throughout Montana. Over the course of the Fiscal-Year-ending on June 30, 2011, Nadine parlayed that respect into a breathtaking sum of over $14,000 for Providence Home. We are all so humbled by the amazing things Nadine and so many other volunteers have done for Intermountain. Her passion for children she has never met and never will meet is staggering, and there’s nothing more energizing to see how selfless so many people are capable of being.

Thank you, Nadine and Rita, and thank you to every one of the rest of you who make a difference every day for kids.

3240 Dredge Drive
Helena, MT 59602
Ph: (406) 442-7920
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