Intermountain - Caring Solutions, Strong Families, Healthy Communities

Flathead Valley Raises $112,000 to support Intermountain Children’s Services

Intermountain’s 2nd Annual “Summer Round Up” fundraising event generated over $112,000 in support of much needed children and family services in the Flathead Valley. The event was held at Diamond B ranch and was again emceed by Jack Hanna, international animal activist.

In part, the event proceeds contributed to the start up costs of Intermountain’s newest service, the Family Learning Center. At this warm, home-like center, Flathead Valley children in the protective custody of the Department of Health and Human Services, have an opportunity for supportive interaction with their parents and siblings. Families spend time together during these supervised visits, while caring Intermountain staff provides safe structure and demonstrate positive role modeling. Additionally, the Family Learning Center provides training to families in an effort to strengthen functioning and support reunification whenever possible.

In addition to the Family Learning Center, in December 2008, Intermountain established Providence Home, a much needed emergency crisis care program for Flathead Valley children birth to twelve. In April 2009, Intermountain opened the Child and Family Psychological Center in Kalispell to provide therapy and psychological evaluations for children and families in the Flathead Valley. Over the last six years, more than 400 area professionals and families have been trained on how to work with children under severe emotional distress.

“The services in the Flathead Valley represent the very best of what we have to offer from our years of experience in providing successful outcomes for children and families. We are indebted to our generous donors and leadership volunteers for their overwhelming support and quest to make children a priority. ” said Jim FitzGerald, chief executive officer.

Intermountain, a nationally accredited non-profit organization, provides mental health, and educational services to effectively meet the diverse needs of children and families facing emotional challenges. Operating for over 100 years, Intermountain is one of Montana’s oldest child welfare agencies, daily serving more than 700 children and families through its residential and community-based programs.

3240 Dredge Drive
Helena, MT 59602
Ph: (406) 442-7920
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