Intermountain - Caring Solutions, Strong Families, Healthy Communities

Intermountain Ground Breaking 2012

On Friday, April 20, the long history of Intermountain took a leap into the future as construction began on the new Intermountain Community Services Center at 3240 Dredge Drive. Members of the Board of Directors, President’s Council, staff and local community leaders gathered with the architects and the contractor to break ground and “stake a claim” for children. Board President John Watson, Dr. Liz Kohlstaedt and Justin Murgel invoked the legacy of Intermountain’s 102-year history and the promise of the future, before Chaplain Dana Holzer and ministerial representatives from the Board and IPC asked for God’s blessing on the project. Then each person present had an opportunity to drive a stake into the ground, staking a claim for children and their families in need of our services.

Services in the new 22,000 square foot facility will include children’s psychological assessment and outpatient therapy, psychiatric clinic, in-home support for birth/kinship, adoptive and foster families and school-based counseling and therapy. It will provide a single point of entry for struggling families and will be the first integrated children’s mental health center in the State of Montana. The facility will also include the ChildWise Institute learning center for community seminars, lectures, and workshops and will be the new headquarters for Intermountain’s administration. Designed by Schlenker and McKittrick Architects, the project is contracted to Diamond Construction. It is planned that some services will be in the building by December, 2012, and full occupation will be sometime next spring.


3240 Dredge Drive
Helena, MT 59602
Ph: (406) 442-7920
Fax: (406) 442-7949
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