Intermountain - Caring Solutions, Strong Families, Healthy Communities

Leading By Example

Leading By Example

Board Member Su DeBree Setting the Bar For Campaign Success

Board gifts provide early leadership, momentum, and credibility for campaigns. Su recently committed her leadership gift, and we wanted to share a little of her background and motivation for her stretch commitment.

Based in Helena, Su DeBree is a District Superintendent for the United Methodist Church. You probably already knew that, but what you might not have known is that early in her professional career, Su served as a school teacher. So she had a heart for serving children – and personal experience with their needs – long before she became an Intermountain Board member. And she has known about Intermountain for about 50 years. When asked what inspired her to make such a generous stretch gift, here is what she said:

“Looking ahead to the future, we as human beings have a ways to go in realizing our potential. At its most fundamental level, we can’t realize our potential if we don’t love one another. To love is to bond, and to bond is to trust. So for all those children out there whose early experience has broken their capacity to trust, that is a real problem. Intermountain is on top of its game in healing children so that they can trust again. And Intermountain is also effective in educating and influencing others. We represent a small corner of the world. But we know each other and we work together, and our circle of influence gets wider and wider. We have great potential – as an organization and in partnership with other organizations – to effectuate tremendous change for children and families.”

3240 Dredge Drive
Helena, MT 59602
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